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  • 800T-N6103KP4缩略图1


800T-N6103KP4 800T-N6103KP4




联系人:宁超           线:029-83338136

手 机:15339052544  *1293858601       

邮箱:1293858601@** 传真:029-83561013 


Limit switch working limit switch and limit switch, limit switch is used to give the work mechani* of action in place signal. Limit switch is to prevent the agency beyond the scope of design and accident. Work limit switches are installed in the *ition of the mechani* to change the conditi*witch, signal is given, for other related acti*. Limit switch installed in the mos*stal moveme*f mechani*, to protect the mechani* of action is too large there is damaged.

The main part of the switch is com*ed of the following materials

Mark of part*aterials

Contact Au corrosion resistance is superior, for *all load. Because of its soft texture (Vivtorinox hardness HV25 ~ 65), it is easy to adhesion (contact adhesive), and in the contact force under the condition of large contact easy to sag.

Alloy of gold, silver, 10% silver gold alloy AuAg 90% corrosion resistance is very good, hardness is HV30 ~ 90, higher than the gold, so it is widely used in *all load switch.

Platinum, gold, silver, 69% gold, 25% silver alloy PGS, 6% platinum alloy, corrosion resistance is very good, hardness is also the same with gold and silver alloy, widely used in *all load switch. Known as the "No. 1 alloy".

Silver palladium alloy AgPd, good corrosion resistance, but it is easy to adsorb organic gas generation polymer. 50% silver, 50% case of palladium, hardness is HV100 ~ 200.

Silver Ag electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity is one of the largest in the metal. Although the exhibit lower contact resistance, but the drawback*easy to generate sulfide film in sulfide gases in the environment, in the *all load area is easy to produce bad. Hardness is HV25 ~ 45. For more general load switch.

Silver, nickel alloy AgNi 90% silver, 10% silver, nickel and silver nickel alloy electric conductivity in close, arc resistance, excelle*esistance to melting. Hardness is HV65 ~ 115.

Silver, indium, tin alloy AgInSn hardness, high melting point, excellent arc resistance, not easy to melt or transfer.

The movable spring, the movable plate spring with phosphor bronze C5210 rolling resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance. H*e carried out annealing treatment. If the spring critical value (Kb0.075) of C5210-H i*ore than 40kgf/mm2, C5210-EH i*ore than 47kgf/mm2, the lower, are widely used in the *all micro switch.

VXF31.25  VXF31.39  VXF31.40  VXF31.50  VXF31.65  VXF31.80  VXF31.90 VXF31.91 

VXF31.92  VXF40.100-124  VXF40.125-200  VXF40.150-300  VXF40.15-1.9  VXF40.15-3 

VXF40.25-5  VXF40.25-7.5  VXF40.40-12  VXF40.40-19  VXF40.50-31  VXF40.65-49 

VXF40.80-78  VXF41.25  VXF41.25(4)  VXF41.40  VXF41.40(4)  VXF41.49  VXF41.49(4) 

VXF41.50  VXF41.50(4)  VXF41.65  VXF41.65(4)  VXF41.80  VXF41.80(4) 

VXF41.90  VXF41.90(4)  VXF41.91  VXF41.91(4)  VXF41.92  VXF41.92(4)   

NHR-M41-27/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-27/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-28/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-28/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-29/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-29/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-30/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-30/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-31/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-31/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-32/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-32/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-33/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-33/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-34/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-34/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-35/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-35/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-25/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-25/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-26/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-26/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-27/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-27/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-28/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-28/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-29/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-29/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-30/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-30/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-31/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-31/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-32/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-32/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-33/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-33/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-34/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-34/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-35/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-35/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-25/X-0/1-A    NHR-M41-25/X-0/1-D
夫桀纣,圣王之后子孙也,有天下者之世也,埶籍之所存,天 下之宗室也,土地之大,封内千里,人之众数以亿万,俄而天下倜然举去桀纣而奔 汤武,反然举恶桀纣而贵汤武。是何也?夫桀纣何失?而汤武何得也?曰:是无它 故焉,桀纣者善为人所恶也,而汤武者善为人所好也。人之所恶何也?曰:污漫、 争夺、贪利是也。人之所好者何也?曰:礼义、辞让、忠信是也。今君人者,譬称 比方则欲自并乎汤武,若其所以统之,则无以异于桀纣,而求有汤武之功名,可乎? 故凡得胜者,必与人也;凡得人者,必与道也。道也者,何也?礼义、辞让、忠信 是也。故自四五万而往者,强胜非众之力也,隆在信矣。自数百里而往者,安固非 大之力也,隆在修政矣。今已有数万之众者也,陶诞比周以争与;已有数百里之国 者也,污漫突盗以争地;然则是弃己之所安强,而争己之所以危弱也;损己之所不 足,以重己之所有余。若是其悖缪也,而求有汤武之功名,可乎!辟之,是犹伏而 咶天,救经而引其足也。说必不行矣,愈务而愈远。为人臣者,不恤己行之不行, 苟得利而已矣,是渠冲入穴而求利也,是仁人之所羞而不为也。故人莫贵乎生,莫 乐乎安;所以养生安乐者,莫大乎礼义。人知贵生乐安而弃礼义,辟之,是犹欲寿 而歾颈也,愚莫大焉。故君人者,爱民而安,好士而荣,两者亡一焉而亡。诗曰: “价人维藩,大师维垣。”此之谓也。




  • 公司地址:中国 陕西 西安  西安市灞桥区浐河东路水岸东方1单元14栋602室
  • 注册资本:101-500万
  • 企业类型:私营有限责任公司
  • 主营行业:仪器仪表 自动化设备 机械设备


  • 联系人: 宁超
  • 电话:029-83338136
  • 手机:15339052544
  • 邮箱:1293858601@qq.com
  • 地址: 中国 陕西 西安  西安市灞桥区浐河东路水岸东方1单元14栋602室
  • 邮编:710024